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They were staring blankly at infinity, seeing nothing of the spotless white room and its two other occupants. Lester Chapman, Project Manager of the Jupiter Mission, looked anxiously at the Chief Medical Officer. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice in an unnecessarily low whisper. Dr. Giroux swept his eyes across the gauges of the electrohypnosis generator, felt the flaccid wrist of his subject, and nodded his head. Chapman wet his lips and leaned over the table. "David-do you hear me?"

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Chapman paused, Designer Hermes Lindy So much depended on this-not millions, but billions of dollars-that he was almost afraid to continue. This was the final test, known only to a handful of men. Least of all was it known to the astronauts, for its usefulness would be totally destroyed if they were aware of it. "Go on," said Giroux encouragingly, making a minute adjustment to the controls of the generator. "This is the question, David. You have completed your training. In a few hours you go aboard the ship for the trial countdown. But there is still time to change your mind.

