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When the cop and the store manager turned the corner, the man was leaning so far out his silhouette was less than two feet High Quality Hermes Birkin than two feet high. He was leaning out of the window from his waist up.   Slowly his hips leaned out. His buttocks rose into the light like a slow-rolling wave, then dropped below the wmdow ledge as his legs and feet slowly rose into the air.

For a long moment the silhouette of two feet sitting upside down on top of two legs was suspended in the yellow lighted rectangle. Then it sank slowly from view, like a body going head-down into water.   The man fell in slow motion, leaning all the way, so that he turned slowly in the air.  He fell past the window underneath, which bore the black-lettered message.      

To one side of the cartons and crates was a long wicker basket of fresh bread. The large soft spongy loaves, wrapped in wax paper, were stacked side by side like cotton pads. Low Price Hermes Kelly like cotton pads.   The man landed at full length on his back exactly on Hermes Lindy Wholesale mattress of soft bread.

